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Skurvy Skurvy
Scourge of the seven seas (and maybe a few other seas too), Skurvy is the captain of a pirate ship. His sole ambition is to have the Crystal Coconut for his own, claiming that the magical crystal is his birthright. No trick is too dirty for Skurvy and his cutthroat two-croc crew - Kutlass and Green Kroc, after all (and they'll be the first to admit it), pirates are pure scum! Skurvy's weapon of choice is a hand-cannon, which he carries with him at all times... and this scurrilous seadog is not afraid to use it! Kongs beware!
The more talkative of Skurvy's two-croc crew, Kutlass bears a striking resemblance to King K. Rool, and is clearly of the same species. Other commonalities between the two are that they both have headware, and both wear something around their necks. Not much is known about Kutlass, or where he came from, but he has a distinctive accent, and speaks as though English is his second language... of course this could be due to lack of formal education, or because crocodile pirates rarely observe proper grammar!
Green Kroc Green Kroc
Having a similar accent and grammatical impairment to Kutlass, Green Kroc is Skurvy's first mate. He is the same species as K. Rool's Kritters, but has a much darker green skin tone - possibly from swabbing the deck of Skurvy's ship under the hot sun day after day. Green Kroc's outfit consists of tattered brown shorts held up by a rope belt. Like Kutlass, Green Kroc is uneducated, and the pair of them are gullible, and easily fooled by the Kongs - very inconvenient for Skurvy, especially when booty is at stake!